League News


Registration Deadlines are fast approaching!

Registration Deadlines are FAST APPROACHING!


Click here to create an account and register your player.


Sep 11, 2023

Acadia Minor Hockey Association is looking for Referees

The Acadia Minor Hockey Association is looking for referees! If you are interested in officiating this year (new or old), please sign up at the following link: AMHA Officials sign up sheet

If you are new and need to complete a clinic please register here: HNS clinic registration

The clinic will be taking place at Acadia University on September 23.


Aug 31, 2023

Understanding the Distinction: Recreational Hockey vs. Competitive Hockey Registration

New to Hockey? Not sure what league to register in? Read below for a detailed description of the difference between Recreational and Competitive ( Rep) Hockey leagues!

Aug 1, 2023

Acadia MHA Launches New Website Powered by GrayJay!

We are thrilled to launch our new and improved website, powered by the GrayJay Leagues platform from grayjaysolutions.com! Our new website brings a contemporary new look to our online presence, as well as new functionality, such as real-time scoring, electronic gamesheets, roster management, schedule management with conflict alerts, and much more!

May 8, 2023