
Gray Guide For Officials


GrayJay Resources for Officials (RIC, Referees, and Timekeepers)




Please view our 2-minute tutorial video for officials about managing availability and assignments in GrayJay. It is important to set your availability to ensure that you can be assigned to games. 

There is a Subscribe button in "My Schedule" to allow Officials to subscribe to an Internet calendar, which shows their personal schedule of assigned games, including accepted and assigned games.  Refer to Page 8 of the GrayJay Officials Guide for RICs for more instructions.


Refer to the GrayJay Leagues Timekeeper Guide and associated vidio tutorials for instructions on how to fill out game reports on GrayJay.

Tips for Timekeepers

  • If you don't have access to a device please let someone know in advance and make arrangements to borrow one from a coach or manager.
  • Bookmark the GrayJay Leagues Site on your phone or device for quick access and remember your user name and password.
  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged
  • Sometimes the game moves fast and you may find it difficult to input all the information.  You can write the information on a piece of paper first, then input the information into GrayJay.  For example, if the Referee calls one or more penalties, quickly jot the details on a piece of paper, then enter the details into GrayJay when play resumes.  Paper and pencils are available in the timekeeper's box.
  • You must get the Officials to sign-off on the game in GrayJay (they can sign directly on your device).  If you are not able to get the Officials' signatures, you can complete the game report by putting a line across the signature box.  Timekeepers also must sign off on the game report.  Officials SignOff is under "Actions".
  • A copy of the Timekeers Guide is avilable in the Timekeeper's box.  It is recommended you bookmark this document or download a copy to your device, for quick access.